Ability to bulk upload pages
Nicolas Giard
Use the local disk / git storage options to mass import pages. That's literally what its for.
Isn't that something you can already do with local/git storage option?
I have inserted like that 1.5k pages with 600 MB of various documents from DokuWiki converted(ish) to markdwon.
Just create proper structure and push changes to your storage solution.
Tested on gitlab repo -> wiki.js.
Nick Hough
iuooip: although this could work, there are several issues.
I currently use a Database (MSSQL) for storage,
I also only use Azure DevOps for git and currently that is unsupported.
I dont see anywhere in the doc stating if you switch from local/git storage that it will insert the current entries into the database.
Malte Hviid-Magnussen
iuooip: Thanks a lot. Saved me a ton of time. I was not aware that the wiki was a seperate .git project that I can just clone, and then push to. Have a nice 2022.
Nick Hough
As a note, i have well over 50000 items to import to our Wiki.js wiki. Among other page data aswell.
I can get our program to generate the markdown for each item, placing them into a file and such, but manually adding these would take an exeptional amount of time.
Plus this would be an amazing feature for the system to have as well :)
Thomas McElroy
Nick Hough: Any chance you have managed to do this? I would like to do something similar for auto generating pages from doxygen code HTML files.
Thomas Nilefalk
Thomas McElroy: I use the local file storage sync for a semi-regular conversion between dokuwiki and wiki.js. Not on the scale of 10s of thousands of pages, and since it is fairly slow I don't know how well that would work. But at least pages are imported into the database and a "re-generation" updates all links. Anyway a test is fairly straight forward to do with a test installation using docker. (Here's a link to my attempt at describing how to do that: https://github.com/thoni56/dokuwiki2wikijs#installation-conversion, you can skip the first section since that is about doing the conversion)