Automatically generate a sitemap for the wiki
Raven Zachary
Wiki.js should create a sitemap.xml on a standard path (e.g. and dynamically update it as pages are added and deleted.
I’ve created a lightweight Sitemap tool for Wiki.js
Found this PR that works at the very least as a proof of concept
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Make sidebar seo-friendly
Sebastian Diers
In the current v2 of wikijs the sidebar is just handling the click on folders via Javascript, making SearchEngines unable to follow a link-structure and crawl the wiki. Resulting in a wiki not getting indexed properly. May there will be a more seo-friendly option in v3, improving crawls. Maybe loading a specific depth already as links and lazy-loading only after a depth of 3 or more.
Nicolas Giard
I have just released a tool to automatically generate sitemap for Wiki.js. It can run standalone or on docker. This should solve the sitemap issue until Wiki.js 3 comes.
Waiting for this for years. The lack of this simple, but ultimately game breaking feature shows me the developer simply does not understand the main thing you need a wiki for: To be visible on Google... Noone will find your articles, if Google can't find them and right now I have all my articles in my test installation not being listed by Google and have hosted the test installation for around two years, the only pages that are being listed are the ones visibly linked on the frontpage. Yes - I could manually add a sitemap, but this is a pain if you got thousands of articles. Please upvote this feature request more so this ultimately gets implemented.
Hintea Dan
Hi all, HUGE vote for this feature as well.
In the meantime, here's my workaround, hope it helps:
+ Get a SQL client (I use and recommend the free Beekeeper Studio:
+ Connect to WikiJS SQL Database
+ Generate the sitemap as TXT/CSV (Google accepts it), by doing following 4 steps
+ Run this SQL command (it's safe, doesn't alter ant data, just reads); Note that this script is for PosgreSQL, syntax might differ slightly for other DB systems.
|| "localeCode"
|| '/'
|| "path"
+ Save the results as TXT/CSV (Download as TSV in Beekeeper Studio, bottom-right corner)
+ Open the file in Notepad/Notepad++/VScode/etc and clean it up
- Each URL must be on a new line
- Remove the quote (") character
+ Save the file as: sitemap.csv
+ Upload the file in your wiki via the Asset manager, just like uploading an image asset
+ Check that the URL works, by accessing
+ Go to Google Search Console, and submit the sitemap URL (
Regenerate sitemap.csv whenever pages are added or removed; no need to resubmit it to google as Google will automatically re-check it periodically.
Not 100% automated, but still... a lot easier than managing URL by URL via Google's Search Console.
We really need this!
James Miller
Definitely. This is necessary.
Guilherme Couto
Any updates?
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