Images and Galleries
Actually looking for a link to a Wiki with a popup gallery and lightbox implementation. We would like to see if these may be added to our game wiki - at least as a gadget for those who wish to turn in on, for for full implementation to the whole site.
If we could see how this has been implemented, it would help to move us forward.
Thank you so much in advance :)
Sahil Shah
I would also like to be able to zoom into these popup image. This would help for larger diagrams created using in the editor.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Make images clickable by default
Inserted images should be clickable by default to avoid workarounds like wrapping images in links. Especially needed for resized images that lose a lot of information.
Nicolas Giard
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Popup for images
Adam Kotnik
Some JS and CSS to make images popup on click. I needed this feature for our work wiki and have been able to make it work by adding head and body HTML injection through Theme options in admin UI.
Justin Xin
Second this, and especially the point about having sliders/slideshows. We are using Wiki.js to create user guides, and in some cases, we need a visual step by step guide, which is presented easily when we have an image carousel/slideshow.
I would also link this one thing here -->
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Auto link to full image when resizing in markdown
Tom Hung
Many times we make large files and want to put the thumbnail version on the page.
![title](/path.jpg =300x)
It would be great to add an indicator to also link the smaller image to the full path of the image.
Currently we have to do the following:
[![title](/path.jpg =300x)](/path.jpg)
Matheus Santos Oliveira
Very nice feature that migth not give a lot of work to implement
Nicolas Giard this would be super cool feature, a perfect extension to WikiJS pages.
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