Javascript and CSS stylesheets
To have global Javascript and CSS stylesheets, that are accessible and editable from the web interace, much like on Mediawiki( |, which would would enable users to easily make custom modifications to the skin of Wiki.js and add certain scripts and fucntions they need.
This is marked as complete, but global stylesheets do not appear to be accessible in any way from the web interface. I don't want to submit a duplicate request, but being able to even just define classes globally would be great.
Nicolas Giard
Reanna: Admin > Theme?
Nicolas Giard: I am seriously face palming at myself. Thank you Nicolas.
Don Tsang
Please check
Nicolas Giard
Don Tsang: Stop creating links between requests. The majority of your posts are completely unrelated and are spam. If you continue, you'll get banned. This is your last warning.
Nicolas Giard
Was just to send on Github, when noticed this. For my part, I think it could be something as simple as Gitit's static directory.
My motivation behind this is to be able to sort tables with tablesorter jQuery plugin, which I easily managed in Gitit, but now I'm using WikiJS.
Nicolas Giard
vnkmpf: You can simply add your custom .js files into the /assets/js folder and edit the /server/views/layout.pug file to add a reference them (place them after the existing entries though).
A more straightforward solution will be provided in the future to include custom js/css.
Andrew Golay
Nicolas Giard: Hi, did this get completed? If so, how do I do it? Thanks.
Julian Thonhauser
would be nice to have the possibility to edit these directly via the web interface.
Nicolas Giard