Map groups from authentication provider (LDAP, OpenID Connect, SAML, etc.)
Did this ever work? Is there any doco for group maping?
Thanks guys!
is this idea in the roadmap? has been rejected?
Adrian: Well, it says "Planned" in the status...
Tak-MK: well, the post is from 2020, the only related PR I've seen is this:
and is related to SAML, and cant see any roadmap plan or milestone about it.
Adrian: As far as I know, this is mostly a one man project, so nothing much to do until he puts priority on this idea. There were other suggestions that were actually rejected, and this one isn't, so I suppose it's still planned.
Tak-MK: ok, that's what I needed to know. Thank you!
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Sync Discord role groups to Wiki.js groups
I know that it's not 100% set in stone but I've seen 'Map LDAP groups to Wiki.js groups' on the 3.0 roadmap.
I think that it would be extremely beneficial to do something similar with syncing members that have a certain Discord role (id) to a specific wiki.js group (under the same guild id that you can already optionally set in the authentication strategy menu)
It would be useful is group claims from tokens from Azure AD/OIDC Authentication Strategies could be used-for/mapped-to group membership.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Fill-in groups using oauth
Some oauth providers (Azure AD f.ex.) can provide a list of groups associated with current user. It would be nice if such groups could be automagically added to wiki and assigned to user
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Sync user's groups with discord groups
Tionis Nagir
When using discord as authentication strategy I would like to be able to sync a wiki user's groups with those they have on the discord server.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Map groups provided by OAuth2/OIDC
I would love to see the ability to map OAuth2/OIDC roles passed as a string array into wiki.js's groups. This is a must-have for my team.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Group Mapping
Please add a possibility to map groups. For example, so that Keycloak can assign groups and roles to those of wikijs and users are automatically added to the wikijs groups.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
mapping groups provided by SAML
Please add a possibility to map groups provided by SAML to wiki groups
Would be great :)
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