Moving a page should update links
Kilian Wi
Nicolas Giard Is there an update as to whether this has already been fixed or what is the status here?
Ryan Johnson
This item should be the top of the list, because people will be incurring exponential amounts of mistakes if this isn't fixed.
Max Wavé
How does this not exist yet!?
I am trying to use wiki.js to make docs and this is borderline a deal breaker....
Nicolas Giard
Max Wavé: The feature is already there but is broken at the moment.
Max Wavé
Nicolas Giard: thanks for the update. Any timeline on a fix? Getting this working would be huge for many.
Steven Xi
Nicolas Giard: Curious if there is any update on the status? I've got about 40 pages and it about time for reorganiztion and cleanup. Without an auto link update, the job is goint to be a mess.
Maryia Yermakovich
Nicolas Giard: Hi Nicolas! This feature is something my company is very interested in and even willing to contribute to if it gives us a concrete implementation timeline. What kind of contribution would you prefer - a donation (Patreon or something) or code contribution? We can discuss further via email.
Ben Ridge
We use a workaround by finding the pages ID and using that instead of using the path-based URL.
instead of /some/path/page
However it's cumbersome to find the page ID. If nothing else it would be really helpful if the 'share' dropdown had a permalink option that generated the
link. I find the page ID by going to page history, and the ID is displayed in the header.
Dmitry Kozhevnikov
We are working on that issue just changing the way how links are processed - not by the name, but by the page ID. Hope to push the pool request soon. Just let me know if this is not convenient.
Just to add another voice to this - we absolutely need this feature as well.
I can see that this feature request could be implemented using the "Redirect page" feature request.
I believe that MediaWiki achieve things this way. When you move/rename a page, it drops a 'redirect page' at the old location. So, all the links to the old page hit the redirect and end up at the new page.
I think there is also a max redirects limit to reduce server load for things that keep getting moved.
Rick Mason
We've been evaluating wikis for the past month or two and wiki.js is hands down our favourite. Unfortunately we can't adopt it until this issue is fixed. We'll have a lot of organization and re-organization of pages to do early on and can't be having to always manually update links.
Jim Bridger
Creating a page that had links to it also does not update the pages that link to it (they stay red until you rerender that page)
James Miller
Yes, every wiki I've ever used does this. Keep a variable that has a list of "backlink" items that is updated on each edit / page creation, and use that to quickly update all the other backlinks. AND then in the admin section where the current rebuild everything / re-render everything buttons are, put a fix backlinks button to do a slow crawl over entire site.
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