Select Date Format and Time Zone for the entire site.
added in v3
Nicolas Giard
added in v3
Marcel Vroon
Totally agree with a default time zone for the entire site but.... maybe also in relation to a group of users or a localization?
You can update the timezone at your SQL DB under users table.
Paul Szuster
Really really need this! We need to be able to easily change Date Format e.g. from MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY
Upvoting this.
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
UK/OFF date time format
I can't find the option to set the default time format to DD/MM/YYYY for UK and AUS format. There is only one localisation for en and it's USA date time format. Please allow option to change to UK/AUS format.
Tomáš Hnyk
Great that this seems to be in progress!
Nicolas Giard
in progress
Andreas Ponjavic
Nicolas Giard: Where is the time defined? I installed wiki.js in Azure as App (Docker) with PostgreSQL DB. Can I set the time in the variables?
Nikita Karamov
There is another issue regarding this matter:
The temporary solution (which also worked for me) would be to connect to your database and perform the following command:
ALTER TABLE users ALTER COLUMN timezone SET DEFAULT 'Europe/Berlin';
(here instead of
put the time zone you want to be set as default)Bastian O
I can totally support this request. It's quite messy to not be able to set a default here! Several users already mentioned this and we always need to adjust this for everyone manually.
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