Tag users in articles
Sebastian Diers
In many other wiki-softwares you can tag users in articles/pages. Especially when writing protocols or just making simple pages with infos about the person, that is responsable for specific things it can be very helpful to have a option to tag a user by its username in the page/article. A good example-implementation could be confluence, as it is already working very well there (Email to the user, who is mentioned etc.)
Not against this idea but how will the wiki pages look when the user does not exist anymore?
Nicolas N.
it would be quite handy, if that automatically changes to the "take over" user.
Sebastian Diers
Daniel: I thought about something like referencing to an id. As the id should be auto-incremented in database there would be no new user on that id, if the id was deleted. On rendering the content you could simply show the user as deleted. The update can then be done by the user himself. Otherwise you could also search by a like-parameter for the reference in texts of on deletion of a user. But in general i would rather use the first option
Andrew Lemacks
Sebastian Diers: Don't need to increment, just use a random ID. If a user deletes their account the information would still be associated with that ID, and could have a tooltip indicating the user no longer exists. Ensuring the information persists, and for orgs like mine, maintaining transparency.