What’s New? Page and Feed
added in v3
Nicolas Giard
added in v3
Can be done in v3 by adding an index block to any page.
e.g. to display the 5 newest pages:
::block-index{orderBy="createdAt" orderByDirection="desc" limit="5"}
Wiki.js needs this type of functionality badly.
Perhaps inspiration could be taken from other wikis, like WikiDot which has what they call their listpages module.
Essentially it allows you to query the database for pages that meet particular criteria, and display them in a specified format. Could be flexible enough to allow, Recent Changes, Tag Clouds, Orphaned Pages, Backlinks, Attached Assets, etc.
[[module ListPages separate="no" limit="5"]]
%%title_linked%% - [[user %%created_by%%]] - %%created_at%%
Eve Vinclair
David Dearden
Yes! Not only new pages, but also recently updated pages...
Joppe Hoekstra
would make moderation a lot easier!
jon r
Yes, this is known as "Recent Changes" from MediaWiki.
Nicolas Giard