Why is the need of folder structure.
Gerald Me
I don't quite understand why is the need of folder structure of wiki page. I kind of expected that root wiki page is at top, then all subsidiary pages are link in some parent pages. Then only the root pages should be listed in the home page, instead of showing folders. Then how and where each page is stored should be antoher issue.
Gerald Me
May be my requirement was not correct. So the feature request is can the sidebar be made to display only root wiki pages (pages without link pointing to). Hide non-root wiki pages, and folder.
Brandy Chang
You can disable folder sidebar and create all pages below root. That's looks like no folder
Gerald Me
Brandy Chang: Without the sidebar, what if there are multiple root pages? One site per page?
Nicolas Giard
This isn't a discussion site, it's for requesting new features. Post on GitHub discussions next time.
Nobody is forcing you to use folders. Don't use them if you don't want to and keep all your pages at the root.
The fact is the vast majority of users want folders.
Gerald Me
Nicolas Giard: That is fine but that will be many wiki pages display in the sidebar. Is there a way to display only the root pages in the sidebar?
Nicolas Giard
Gerald Me: Then only create pages at the root level? I don't understand what you're trying to achieve...
Gerald Me
Nicolas Giard: Sorry for the confusion. Consider I want to write a few books where the first page of each book is listed in the sidebar at wiki's home. For all sub pages and sub-sub pages in each book, I only want it to be shown or visited from its corresponding book.
At the moment, the sidebar has two buttons Home, Browse/Main Menu. If I click Browse, it will show the pages and folders. If I switch back, it will show a Home icon in the sidebar. Does not matter if I am login or not.
- Can wiki hide the Browse from the non-login user. (or hide the Browse/Main Menu button)
- Can wiki shown only the pages in the root folder instead of a Home.
Gerald Me
Sorry, I know how to do this now after using setting in Navigator. Thanks.
Qds Soft
To be honest, this is a feature i value the most. As Laurent Indermühle said, it is stupidly simple to import and export Markdown files. On Import the folder structure is automatically represented in the menu and vice versa on export.
This prevents vendor lock in. I like to work on my docs locally on my pc, when they're finished I push them to my instance and that's it.
And some companies are just used to work with structures like this. Helps to keep things more organized and improve workflow for many users.
Laurent Indermühle
Migrating to or from another wiki or Markdown app is easier if the folder structure is there.
Gerald Me
Laurent Indermühle: I though the idea of Wiki is initially you do not know the structure of your document. It start with one page, gradually split contents into more pages, sub-pages, cross-link pages etc. Folder structure is a tree data structure where wiki is a multi-link data structure, where tree is a special form of multi-link.
It is easy to import folder structure (a tree) to a multi-link structure. But a bit more difficult to export. One algorithm is to always use the first son. But is export important?
By the way, I think the wiki page filename should be randomly generated and stored in folder structure for storage efficiency.